Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Josiah: 16 months

Today he turned SIXTEEN months old! Seriously, where did 16 months go? He's a busy little boy with a mind all his own. Last Monday I got a call from daycare at 8:50 a.m. saying he'd fallen and busted his chin open. Kay, our daycare provider, thought he might need a stitch or 2. Since Pops was home and could get to him sooner, I called him. He took him to the doctor and fortunately we were able to avoid the stitches. Instead he got a coat of Dermabond, some lovely steri-strips, and a big bandage. He pulled the bandage off in 3.5 seconds and refused to keep another one on. He did manage to keep the steri-strips on for a whopping 2 days before pulling those off. It seems to be healing but I suspect he'll have a scar. My mom has one in the same spot so at least he & Nana will match. I didn't get a picture of the wound, but trust me, it's nasty.

He's talking more and more everyday. He repeats just about everything and mocks every move we make. This means we're very careful with words and actions. Since I'm fighting the longest case of bronchitis in the history of time, he mocks my coughing constantly. He also thinks it's pretty funny to "blow his nose" on everything, including tissues from the trash. Lovely.

His current favorite things include: his grandparents, doggies, Elmo, mama's phone, peaches, his stuffed duck, choo choos (trains), The Wiggles, the Auburn fight song, firetrucks, all books including my textbooks, and running. The child doesn't seem to know how to walk. He runs at full speed all.the.time. Which is precisely why he is 1 big bruise all the time.

Matt & I go to bed every night talking about the things he learned that day. He has brought us such joy and laughter and we are SO thankful to be his parents. What a privilege!


Chasity @ Haute Mommy Blog said...

Oh gosh, he is really a cutie.

Mandy said...

Thank you so much!!!

Beth said...

He is so cute. I read the latest blog. You're dong a great job with it. I know you and Matt are so blessed to have such a beautiful, healthy baby boy. His Nana and Pawpaw love him too. :)

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